Business Idea for Effective Listing Websites in Malaysia

Ways to Make Money Through Listing Websites if You’re Good in Marketing

The opportunity is out there, and the only thing left is for you aspiring business owner to dive into this brilliant business idea of listing websites. According to statistics, many people in Malaysia browse through the internet to find products and services for sales such as home properties, home appliances, mobile phones, cosmetics, fitness products, and fashion clothes.

Imagine a business idea that you make it easy for the customer to get such products or services by a press of a button. Now, imagine this business generating you some attractive revenue streams and making you a full-time self-employed. Think of listing websites as a new venture in Malaysia where you can get such a luxury.

What Do You Have to Know to Get Started?

Now we know that people are searching for products and services on the internet than before. We’re also aware that there is a stack of listing websites out there. But how can individuals or small businesses access such directories? That’s where you come in as a small business owner.

Map Out Which Businesses Are Listed or Not

Get started by digging deeper into the listed businesses on the internet. If you find out that a homeownership business is on the list, then go ahead and claim the business.

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You claim the business by beginning to edit the information about it. If in any case, a business is not, you can add it to your listing website. More often, these businesses will offer a “claim your business” linkage or “get listed” linkage.

Don’t leave it at that point, shove deeper to get more information about the business. You wouldn’t want to offer customers the wrong information about a product or service. The reason why I’m saying this is because many spammy listing websites disguise themselves as genuine. Look out for search sketchy listing websites. Compare with other well-known websites such as Yelp.

Create an Account With the Listing Sites

If you decide to launch a listing websites business idea, you have to be aware that some of the listing sites may require you to create an account even if you’re on a free plan. Normally, the listing sites allow you to add a link to your business’s authentic website.

Business Idea for Effective Listing Websites in Malaysia

You can even amend the address, name, communication lines and the description of your business or company. The catch here is that by providing the right information culminates into lead generation and, therefore, it’s imperative to ensure that your potential client can assess your leads.

Link With Listing Websites That Align to Your Niche

In business having your own niche is not only important but gives you an easy time to concentrate on one thing. If you’ve decided to go, for example, property housing or cosmetics, way stick to that. In Malaysia, quite some people want to own a housing property.

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On your listing websites business, you presumably have narrowed-down to housing property. But that will not be of great help to you if you don’t link with listing websites that do housing property. Durian property directory is one such online property directory in Malaysia you can link with your listing websites business to know what’s available in your local area.

The smart thing is that you’re guaranteed returns when you develop a peer-to-peer or B2B marketplace. You earn commission on every transaction. For you to conduct all these, it’s right to legitimize your business. Malaysia has made it easy for you to incorporate your business through Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM). You only need to stick to the script and get started.