Great Business Idea for Good Child Care in Malaysia

What You Need to Know About Starting a Child Care in Malaysia and Begin Ripping the Benefits

Starting a services business especially child care in Malaysia is not easy much less running it. Childcare facilitators in Malaysia are under strict guidelines concerning licensing laws and principles within the Childcare Centre Act.

If you love kids, got abundant patience and the experience of caring for children, then a child care facility is what you can start.

But do you know of the kind of activities you can undertake in your child-care facility?

Child Development Activities

A child’s growth is more holistic. As an aspiring business owner, the idea is to build trust through loving care and sharing in activities. Learn to create programs that will encourage children to study while playing and exploring creativity.

A curriculum that inculcates programs such as ballet and dancing, ABC music, art and craft, languages (Bahasa Malaysia and Mandarin) and Taekwondo feature in many child cares in Malaysia. With that in mind, you have an array of areas to exploit while offering child care in Malaysia.

Safety and Meals

You can decide to offer extended or 24-hours services for working late parents or those for late shifts. If you happen to have kids of your own, you can as well work and care for them all. It is of great importance to make your facility safer for kids to stay.

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If you feel you need assistance concerning workforce, you can hire staffs. Consider even offering meals or snacks to the young ones. Make it upon yourself to get some training on kids if need be to differentiate between teething and an illness-caused fever.

Get to Know All the Requirements and Processes Involved

Accord yourself a chance to refer to the set guidelines for child care in Malaysia. The guidelines elaborated at the Garis Panduan Prosedur Memproses Penubuhan TASKA regarding stipulated forms, procedures and requirements set out by the Department of Social Welfare (DSW). It goes further and outlines the requirements set out by the Fire & Safety Department, Local authority and the Health Department.

You can purchase the guideline for a nominal fee of RM10. The law requires you as an entrepreneur including the caretakers to mandatory attend and excel the Basic Childcare course (KAAK).

Determine the Type of Childcare Structure

The moment you’ve made up your mind about launching a child care in Malaysia, you’ve to determine the type of structure best suited for you. In Malaysia, child care centers fall under four criteria:

  • Office childcare centers: – private sectors have the responsibility to offer childcare amenities at the workplace for their workforce.
  • Institution-oriented childcare centers serving ten children or more: – founded under the resourcefulness of the private sector and the Non-Governmental Organizations
  • Home-oriented childcare serving less than ten children: conducted typical on homes and receives children from between 4 to 9 in their premise.
  • State-owned childcare centers (Taska dalam komuniti): community-based child care centers located in both urban and rural low-income families
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With that in mind, you have to identify the location, size, source of fund, curriculum for the children and the operating hours after you’ve identified the type of structure.

Legitimize Your Child Care Center

Incorporating your business involves applying for the business name at the SSM followed by a confirmation from Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM). Upon submission of the approval letter from associated agencies to JKM, you’ll require to include the design blueprint. These, together with the activities schedule.

Great Business Idea for Good Child Care in Malaysia

A thorough scrutiny by the JKM officer is inevitable to ensure that schedule plan is some suitable development activities for kids, qualified working staff, the food menu, and the right measurements and space usage. For the record: the registration fee for the TASKA is RM 50 for home-based and RM 250 for TASKA institution, Workplace, and Community. Again, the renewal for the registration is after five years; however, for the other associated agencies like the local authority, it’s annually.

Establish a Substantial Business Plan

Whether you are a startup or a well-established business venture, having a concrete business plan is significant. Consider stating how you plan to run your childcare concerning your financial model, funding policies and your strategic plan. A business plan goes beyond establishing a mark in your industry but also winning the hearts of lenders such as venture capitalist. Your clients would also want to identify themselves with a business model that’s formidable.