How Tabung Usahawan Siswazah (TUS) Can Help Malaysia SMEs

How Tabung Usahawan Siswazah (TUS) Can Help Malaysia SMEs

Everything About How Tabung Usahawan Siswazah (TUS) Has Helped The Business In Malaysia

The Tabung Usahawan Siswazah (TUS) is a loan scheme from the Malaysian government, which provides loan funding to the graduates in Malaysia. It is to help them start their own business. The program was launched in 1998, that time to tackle the high unemployment rates in Malaysia and till this time, the program has grown to be one of the most recognized incentives in the nation, helping motivate many graduates to enter in the field of business and even winning the ADFIAP Outstanding Development Projects Awards, 2016 under the Human Capital Development Category. Also known as the graduate entrepreneurs scheme, today we talk about the Tabung Usahawan Siswazah in detail.

Tabung Usahawan Siswazah (TUS): What is it all about?

As stated previously, this is a loan program, which provides Malaysian graduates with loan funding between RM20,000 to RM250,000 for startups depending on the nature of their business. The program is coordinated by the SME Bank Malaysia and money could be used as fixed assets or working capital. Borrower should pay back the interest rate of 4% within ten years, with a maximum grace period of two years. Tabung Usahawan Siswazah (TUS) is a government incentive to promote entrepreneurship throughout the country and has helped many graduates kick off with their startup SMEs.

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To be able to apply for the Tabung Usahawan Siswazah, a person will have to meet the following requirements.

  • Should be a Malaysian citizen.
  • Should be at least a diploma holder in any degree recognized by Malaysian Qualifications
  • Register (MQR).
  • The graduation time can’t exceed 15 years old.
  • The individual can’t be more than 40 years old.

On top of that, the business should be feasible and show potential. The person should have a basic business understanding and a good idea of the market field he/she is planning to enter.

How Tabung Usahawan Siswazah (TUS) Can Help Malaysia SMEs

Application Procedure

In case you meet all the requirements, you could apply for TUS. Here are the steps for that.

  • If you have no prior business experience, you will have to attend a course from INSKEN or other equivalent seminars. Register for the class online at, or you could call Ms Arni / Pn Nurashikin: 03-88805162 / 5195 / 5171 at INSKEN.
  • After you complete the course, you will have to submit a 5-page long business plan to INSKEN, including your ideas and strategies. Then, you will have to present your business plan in the screening event that INSKEN conducted. However, people from Sabah or Sarawak don’t have to take part in the screening process.
  • INSKEN, after this, reviews your business plan and if viable, will send it to an SME Bank branch.
  • And in case you already have business experience, as in step one, which means an operating company for two years or more, you don’t have to take part in the INSKEN course and straight your proposal yourself to the nearest SME bank branch.
  • Upon receiving the application, SME bank will hold it for review, and they will call you for an interview. Be well prepared! They will ask you more about your business ideas and then approve you if the interview goes well.
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Processing Time

Generally, the application process takes about two months.

Well, this was it for the Tabung Usahawan Siswazah (TUS). I hope this article will help you. If you are interested to start a business on your own and would like to know more information, you can read more on the guide to setup Malaysia business.