New Business Idea: Hyper Loop in Malaysia and its Advantages

Opportunities for hyper loop in Malaysia and how it can be a time savior

Hyper loop in Malaysia is presented as an idea, but there is still hard work needed to implant it. Hyper loop is a form of tube travelling from one place to another. A lot of companies are working on getting hyper loops to make the travelling faster and easier than before.

The hyper loop is different from traditional train because it aims to travel underground via tunnels, which removes the air during travel. The floating pods, without air, can travel up to 750miles per hour. Another difference between train and hyper loops is of the wheels. The train has wheels, but the pods will have the ability to float on air skis, or to reduce friction it uses magnetic levitation.

The hyper loops are faster, easier and cheaper because they reduce the cost of petrol. Easy travel will also enhance the economic conditions of the countries. The first hyper loops are expected to run in 2021. The same year 2021 is expected for Malaysia, to be a fully developed country. Till then, you have an opportunity to contribute in the advancement of this technology.

A lot of companies have already made their routes for future. Come up with a plan which can enhance the working of this technology. Countries like India, USA, and South Korea are already competing to work on this idea and float their tube as soon as possible. It is a great potential for Malaysian market to introduce and get benefit from it.

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New Business Idea: Hyper Loop in Malaysia and its Advantages
Hyper loop is designed to change the way we travel. It is designed by entrepreneurs from around the globe and you have a chance to participate in it. This is the dream drew by Bibop Gresta. He is the chairman of hyper loop Transportation Technologies (HTT), one of the companies that have planned to build this technology named as Hyper loop, this project is defended by multi billionaire Elon Musk to help the generation reduce their travel time, and save cost as well. It is a train that travels with the speed of sound.”It will change the way we live,” said Gresta, “(and) it’s done, created out of existing technologies… But how to achieve it is very complicated”.

This technology can be implemented in Malaysia as well. Gresta also intend to implement this plan in Malaysia and has spoken to government about how HTT wants to contribute in the improvement of travel system. “I think there are the right elements in this country to tackle the problems in the right direction, “The (Malaysian) government right now wants to solve the problem and that’s why I’m here”. However, he declined to give further details, other than to say “it was a very nice meeting”.

This clearly shows that there is a potential for technical people who want to contribute in Malaysia and invest their part. One motivating feature of HTT is that it trusts on “crowdstorming” for its achievement and contribution in the further enhancement of hyper loop technology. HTT is helping volunteers to contribute and help out in technology enhancement. Currently it has employed 600 people from around the globe who can work online and share their ideas. These people can work in groups or individually, where they are given the problem and they have to come out with a solution.

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Malaysian people have a good time to join this platform because unlike other companies, who have hired full time engineers to work and research on the project, HTT welcomes all the people to come and do their part. In result, they will get shares in the company for playing their part. And if you can come up with ideas which can help in major contributions, you can reach to any higher level. And you can work on promoting the same technology in Malaysia on your own as well.

Hyper loop is a business which does not have market right now, but it is predicted to be the biggest game changer ever. If you have an intelligent brain and you want to do a business in Malaysia then you should actively take part in it. Understand its basics and working mechanism and come up with solutions to the problem. Along with learning about it, plan on how to make your own company for hyper loop and bring it in Malaysia. This will be the biggest project ever and you will earn good income.