The Advantages Of Making Roads Through Plastic In Malaysia

The Advantages And The Process of Making Roads Through Plastic in Malaysia

When I first heard this idea, I thought it’s just a funny thing. But recently, I came to know that this is one of the best unique business ideas around the world which is highly appreciated by the governments. Recently, I saw a video shared by the World Economic Forum in which they mentioned, India is building plastic roads. Therefore, it can be said that making roads through Plastic in Malaysia is a great idea. The developers collect useless plastic throughout the country and then do some recycling process in order to use it on roads. No matter, if you are living in the United Kingdom, Australia, United States or China, you can easily find useless plastic which people usually throw into the trash.

Collect plastics as much as possible, recycle it and use it making plastic roads. This is one of the best business ideas to make money in the upcoming years. Most of the developed countries do not realize what they can actually do with the plastic waste which they consider to be useless.

It is a fact that the plastic waste which has been a huge problem globally, as it increases pollution and cannot be decomposed off properly can actually be used in a constructive and positive manner. The use of plastic in the construction of roads is not a brand new idea. According to the latest research, it has been determined that several countries have started using the produced plastic waste for the process of making roads. The roads which are constructed using this plastic last longer and are stronger than the roads constructed using the traditional materials.

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Types of plastic used in the construction of these roads:

The majority of the plastic used in the construction of these roads is the plastic coming from carrying bags, PET bottles and disposable cups. All these things are collected from the garbage dumps. Once these items are combined with hot bitumen, the plastics melt and form an overall oily coat that aggregates and also the mixture is rested on the surface of the roads just like tar is in the traditional method of construction of roads. All the major polymers such as polypropylene, polystyrene and polyethene are used for the construction of these roads. All these polymers possess adhesion property when they are in the molten state. Due to this important property, these plastics help in increasing the melting point of the main ingredient which is bitumen.

The Advantages Of Making Roads Through Plastic In Malaysia
Also, these are the same plastics which are the most difficult ones to dispose of, therefore, their utilization in such a process will enable the government of countries like Malaysia to make sure that their land remains less polluted due to the presence of plastic waste. In a way, the environment and the ecosystem of the country can be saved and preserved by making the plastic roads. Therefore, the construction of the new roads by the use of plastic should be promoted in the country.

Advantages of this technology:

The adaptation of this creative technology adds strength to the roads and also increases the life of the road. It also creates a source of income for many people who are not as educated or highly skilled as the other employees of the road industry. The plastic roads also have another vital characteristic, which is that it can tolerate and last hot and extremely humid weather.

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It does not develop any big potholes due to the extreme temperature which means that there is no major requirement of repair.

The major advantages of making Roads through Plastic in Malaysia are that, these roads are stronger with an overall increased Marshall Stability value, they provide better resistance towards the rainwater and the water stagnation 18, these roads do not have any potholes or stripping issues, the binding in these roads is better, there are less ravelling and rutting, and they are also free from any effect of radiation such as the ultraviolet rays. Apart from these benefits these plastic roads also have high withstanding property which helps to satisfy the need of increased road transport.
In countries like Malaysia the employment can also be increased for the unskilled workers or laborers.

The plastic waste of the country will also be reduced as the waste will be utilized in the construction of the roads. By using this technology for the construction of the road the overall construction cost of the roads will also be decreased. Apart from this, the maintenance of the roads will also be made easier and cheaper.
The benefit this idea can bring to the national economy of Malaysia is that it can save the environment from being damaged by the plastic waste, generate a lot of employment and at the same time increase the agricultural efficiency. However, there is still room for more research on these plastic roads in order to determine and discover even more benefits they can bring to the environment and the construction industry collectively.

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It can be concluded that as the usage of plastic in the construction of roads has so many benefits, the method should be adopted and promoted as much as possible. The process of the plastic roads is also cheaper and shorter than the traditional tar roads which means that the number of roads constructed by this method can be way more than that of the ones made of tar. It will also help in boosting the economy of the country as it will be providing job opportunities to the unskilled labor as well. Therefore, it can be clearly said that making plastic roads in Malaysia is a very good idea which is quite practical and beneficial in various ways. At the end, the plastic roads can be called the environmental friendly roads which will save the earth from a lot of recycled plastic waste.