Young Bumiputera Must Know PROSPER Usahawan Muda (PUMA)

PROSPER Usahawan Muda (PUMA): Loan Finances And Training For Bumiputera Entrepreneurs

The business environment in Malaysia has been attracting more people to venture in their own businesses. Mostly for the young generation with fresh minds, they don’t need a lot of time to conclude that having a company in a promising economy like Malaysia could bring in a lot of profit. But for this, they will still need some aid. Especially for the business startups, owners will constantly be looking for financial support and essential insights, anything that will help their business take off and flourishes. One of such programs is PROSPER Usahawan Muda (PUMA), a loan scheme in Malaysia, helping young Bumiputera with finances and training to start their business and run it in the right way. A must know the scheme, this incentive could mean a lot, especially for the young Bumiputeras looking to start SMEs in Malaysia, and here it is, everything you will need to know about the program.


PROSPER Usahawan Muda (PUMA): What is it all about?

Run by the Perbadhana Usahawan Nasional Berhad (PUNB), the PROSPER Usahawan Muda (PUMA) is a program providing funds to young Bumiputeras to start their business. On top of that, training programs are also scheduled under the incentive to help develop the young Bumiputeras’ entrepreneurial skills and help them choose their way of approaching the market. Under this scheme, Bumiputeras wanting to venture in their own company are provided with funds up to RM100,000, with only sole proprietorship running for more than a year being able to apply for funds for more than RM50,000. The financing tenure is ten years maximum and based on the Shari’ah concept. Also, training for corporate development and monitoring are available. All in all, let’s say it is a program, providing young Bumiputeras money to finance their own business and guiding them to use that money in the best way.

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Preferred Industry

Under the PROSPER Usahawan Muda (PUMA), entrepreneurs are encouraged to invest in the following fields.

  • Education
  • Distribution & Wet Market
  • Confectionary & Food Stall
  • Clothing & Accessories
  • Cosmetic & Beauty Services
  • Metal Equipment & Engineering Service
  • Photocopy & Printing
  • Books/ Stationery
  • House Furnishing
  • Automotive
  • Computer hardware



Both, the individual and the business should meet specific requirements to be eligible for the program. Here are the requirements for each of them.


  • The applicant must be a Bumiputeras.
  • The individual must be over 18 years old but can’t exceed 35 years of age.
  • The person should be willing and capable of investing at least RM500.
  • The person should be willing to attend every developmental program organized by PUNB.
  • The applicant should be good financial records.



  • The company should be incorporated in Malaysia with SEM and should have acquired every license.
  • Ownership of business should be 100% Bumiputera.
  • The business idea should be scalable.
  • The business can’t be illegal and should be Shari’ah compliant.
  • You can move on to applying for the program if you fulfill these terms.

Young Bumiputera Must Know PROSPER Usahawan Muda (PUMA)


Application Procedure

Of course, first, you will need to gather every document and paper that shows you are eligible for the program. This includes a copy of the NRIC, incorporation certificate, business permits, transaction records, etc. Then you could approach the nearest branch of PUNB.

After that, you can fill the application forms, and you could also join the business plan workshop if you are willing to. Then, you will need to submit your business plan and present it, with actual statistical analysis and product/services to show how it can fill in the empty gap of the need of the consumers. You will be approved based on your presentation, and before you get accepted, you will have to attend the PROSPER Usahawan Muda entrepreneurial certificate course, which will take three days to complete.

READ ALSO:  SME Scheme (Services, Manufacturing & Engineering) Malaysia


Well, this was it for the article. I hope it had all the information you were looking for.